Phantoms of the Dark: Female Spies of the Civil War

Mount Carmel Community Health Resources Center 777 West State St, Medical Office Building 2, Columbus, OH, United States

Hundreds of women served as spies during the Civil War. Who were these secret agents in hoop skirts? How did they operate? What motivated them to risk all in playing...


The Andersonville Trial

GlenOak High School Theater 1801 Schneider Street NE, Plain Township, OH, United States

The Plain Township Historical Society in conjunction with the Plain Local Schools Foundation & Alumni Association Proudly Presents The Andersonville Trial with the "Courthouse Players" Abbey Foltz Stage - GlenOak...

$5 – $10

Welcome My Pretties: A Spooky Halloween Party

Kelton House Museum and Garden 586 East Town Street, Columbus, OH, United States

Ghost Stories - Fortune Teller - Costume Contest Dress as your favorite Halloween character or casual chic. Prizes for best costumes. $25 per person, $45 per couple. Price includes two drinks, heavy...


Local Boy Makes Good – from Mt. Auburn to the White House

Anderson Center 7850 Five Mile Road, Anderson Township, OH, United States

Program of the Anderson Township Historical Society Wednesday, November 2, 2016, 7:30 P.M. “Local Boy Makes Good - from Mt. Auburn to the White House” The Anderson Township Historical Society meets...


Saving Ohio’s Rural Architecture and Its Story

Bremen Area Historical Society 161 Carter St., Bremen, OH, United States

The Bremen Area Historical Society Presents Pam Whitney Gray, Author, Barn Consultant, and President of Friends of Ohio Barns Every barn tells a story! What is yours? Come, join us...


Carmen lecture by Dr. Allen Mosher

Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor 151 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH, United States

Please join the students and faculty of the Youngstown State University Italian program for a pre-opera lecture to precede Opera Western Reserve's staging of George Bizet's opera Carmen. Lecture presented by...


Tröndlin Fortepiano Homecoming Celebration

The Griswold Center, Town Hall 777 High Street, Wothington, OH, United States

Join the Worthington Historical Society when our rare Tröndlin piano returns to Worthington on November 12th after its extensive restoration! Robert Murphy of Oberlin Conservatory, has been working meticulously on...

$7 – $25

Remember the Ladies: 19th Century Women’s Rights Conventions

Kelton House Museum and Garden 586 East Town Street, Columbus, OH, United States

Remember the Ladies: The Women's Rights Conventions of the 19th Century Presented by Cathy Nelson Come hear about the fearless and tireless women who fought for equality. Based on the...


Copyright and Intellectual Property 101 for Museums


"Copyright and Intellectual Property 101 for Museums" 4 Week Online Class Starting on November 14, 2016 Are you using films, videos, music, and photographs in your exhibits and events? Do...


Care and Handling of Paper-Based Collections

International Women's Air and Space Museum Burke Lakefront Airport, Rm 165, 1501 N Marginal Rd, Cleveland, OH, United States

Free presentation on the care and handling of paper-based materials given by Jamye Jamison, Paper Conservator from the ICA Art Conservation. Please RSVP by Monday, by calling 216.623.1111. Brown-bag lunch!...


Interpreting Servants


Webinar from the American Association for State and Local History Interpreting Servants FREE for members, staff of institutional members/ $40 Nonmembers Learn more & register: view/interpreting-servants/ Downton Abbey may be...

Free – $40

Toolbox Workshop: Historical Editing

Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor 151 W Wood St, Youngstown, OH, United States

Ohio History Connection’s Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor will be hosting the second Toolbox Workshop for 2016-2017 on Thursday, November 27, 2016. Dr. Diane Barnes, Professor of History...


Christmas in Franklinton!

Harrison House 570 West Broad Street, Franklinton, OH, United States

For just one day each year, the historic 1807 Harrison House is transformed inside into the most decorated house south of the North Pole. Whether you are an adult of...


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