8th Annual Garfield Symposium
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Zoom Video Conferencing
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities are Still Available.
Plenary Sessions (Times and Order Subject to Change)
8:30 AM – Zoom Room Open and Virtual Social Time Begins
8:45 AM – PRE-SESSION VIRTUAL EVENT: Power point slides and info about the JAGCWRT Book Sale
9:00 AM: Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Benjamin Frayser, MBA, Commander, James A. Garfield Civil War Round Table
Dana E. Best-Mizsak, BA, Historian, James A. Garfield Civil War Round Table
9:10 AM – Session 1: “Life in the Garfield Home.”
A living history presentation by Benjamin Frayser, MBA, as LTC/COL/BG/MG/Congressman James A. Garfield and Anita Benedetti as Lucretia Rudolph Garfield.
9:55 AM – Break 1 (with Book Sale Info)
10:00 AM – Session 2: The Mizsak and DelPizzo Families Session on Government and Politics: “The Legislator in Our Town.” This session will feature a discussion of James A. Garfield’s service in the Ohio Senate and the United States House of Representatives. This session is named in honor of the Members of the Mizsak and DelPizzo Families who served in public office, and is supported through the generosity of the Mizsak and DelPizzo Families. Andrew C.M. Mizsak, M.A.P., MBM, Adjutant, James A. Garfield Civil War Round Table & James M. Holland, Ph.D., or George M. Phillips, MBA, MA
10:45 AM – Break 2 (Special Thanks to our Sponsors
10:55 AM – Recognition of the United States Capitol Historical Society as sustaining sponsor, featuring The Honorable Jane L. Campbell, President and CEO, United States Capitol Historical Society, and Andrew Mizsak, JAGCWRT Adjutant and Garfield Symposium Co-Chair.
11:00 AM – Recognition of the-late George Stewart Kopp, and the James Joshua Kopp Foundation for their support of the annual undergraduate presentations featuring scholars of the James A. Garfield Center for the Study of the American Presidency at Hiram College, featuring Gini Wood, wife of the-late George Stewart Kopp; Dana E. Best-Mizsak, JAGCWRT Historian and Garfield Symposium Co-Chair; and Dr. Douglas M. Brattebo, Ph.D., JD, Director of the James A. Garfield Center for the Study of the American Presidency at Hiram College.
11:05 AM – Recognition of the Hiram College James A. Garfield Center for the Study of the American Presidency; brief remarks by Dr. Douglas M. Brattebo; introduction of undergraduate student presenters.
– Michael Dietzen (Hiram College Class of 2022): “James A. Garfield as a Student at the Eclectic Institute of the Western Reserve (Hiram College).”
– Jeffrey Robb (Hiram College Class of 2022): “James A. Garfield as Principal (President) of the Eclectic Institute of the Western Reserve (Hiram College).”
– Ryan Streater (Hiram College Class of 2024): “James A. Garfield’s Recruiting of Northeast Ohio Troops for the Civil War.”
11:15 AM – The James Joshua Kopp Foundation Undergraduate Student Presentations presented in honor of James Joshua Kopp, and in loving memory of George Stewart Kopp, Esq.
12:00 PM – Break 3
12:05 PM – “Garfield Goings-On” – Andrew Mizsak; Abraham Bruckman, AICP, LEED-AP, Member, JAGCWRT Advocacy Committee
12:10 PM – Introduction of the Keynote Speaker by Andrew C.M. Mizsak, Co-Chair, Garfield Symposium; Dana E. Best-Mizsak, Co-Chair, Garfield Symposium; Benjamin Frayser, Commander, JAGCWRT.
12:15 PM – Keynote Address by James A. “Jay” Garfield, III.
12:50 PM – Closing Remarks by Symposium Committee Chairs and Commander Benjamin Frayser.
1:00 PM – Adjournment
1:30 PM – Zoom Room closes
PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE SYMPOSIUM AT www.JamesAGarfieldCWRT.org. Sponsorship and partnership opportunities are still available.
To post an event listing on this page, email ohiolha@ohiohistory.org with “Event Listing” in the subject line.